Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

1. What do you think are the author's three most important points?

I think that three key points I could take away from the reading were: knowing your audience, simplicity, and being prepared. Knowing your audience is crucial when you are developing your game plan. If you underestimate or overestimate the knowlege of the people you are presenting too, the crowd may lose interest. Keeping the information concise and presenting with confidence makes the presentation run smoother, and therefore simpler. Alas, being prepared for the presentation makes or breaks the arrangement. It is crucial to anticipate and be pro-active before and during the pitch.

2. How might you apply his advice to your own presentation?

Now that I am aware of what to do and what not to do, I can arrange my presentation with my partner more efficiently and cater to the audience I will be presenting to.

3. What do you think presentation has in common with product design?

Overlooking the fact that they are both pre-meditated, presentation and product design are similar in the aspect of targeting a certain audience, managing contstraints, and producing something that is functional and still has appeal.

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